Friday, February 24, 2006

Grand Master Predictions #2

OOOOooohhhhhhhhh People. Today is your lucky day! The Grand Master has handed down (4) new predictions:

  • In the US Senate Race in Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum Loses.
  • After the November 2006 elections, the public will be shocked at the lack of change, especially in the House of Representatives.
  • Within the next 5 years (i.e. beforeFeb 2011) there will be a US currency crisis of epic proportions which will cause great turmoil in the world. There will be rampant inflation as dollars rapidly lose value.
  • The conflict between Iran and the western world over it's nuclear weapons development will end up being a conflict between the US and China. The reason will be that China will step in on Iran's behalf due to their growing need for Iran's oil.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The SMS (Short message service) Mystery

Why is SMS so freaking popular in Europe? I can't figure it out.

Look at the reasons why SMS is "cool" (lifted from a website):

  1. SMS Messages can be Sent and Read at Any Time.
  2. SMS Messages can be Sent to an Offline Mobile Phone
  3. SMS Messaging is Less Disturbing While You can Still Stay in Touch
  4. SMS Messages are Supported by 100% GSM Mobile Phones and They can be Exchanged between Different Wireless Carriers
Um..correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Voicemail do all of that? The "less disturbing" thing can be remedied by people learning how to turn their ringers off. And how much time does it take to type out a message on your phone keypad versus leaving a similar message with spoken language. The only thing that makes sense for SMS being popular is that it is cheap. However, in the US, it's pretty cheap to talk. I Guess the Europeans are paying too much for their cellphones.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hmmmm...this just sounds like a bad idea.....

Does turning over the security of several major US ports (New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia) to a company that is based in the United Arab Emirates sound like a good idea to you? The Bush administraion seems to think it's ok.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A Scary Thought for Tax Time

It will soon be that time again, and time for the 1040. While you're filling it out, remember that you're helping to rebuild Iraq (and not Detroit, East L.A. or D.C.) to the tune of $100,000 per minute. And Afghanistan at $18,000 per minute. 24/7.

$1, 966.67 per second. Wow.

Fairfax County on Water Fluoridation

I was doing a little bit of research on fluoride tonight (You know, the fluoride-bone cancer connection) and came across these interesting statements from Fairfax County, VA:

First, from the County Code authorizing water fluoridation:

Section 42-1-5. Liability for injury or damage.
The Board of Supervisors in authorizing fluoridation, however, expressly declares that it in no way assumes any liability for, or on account of, any damage or injury incurred by any user of water so treated. (1954 Code, vol. 1, § 8-5; 1961 Code, § 13-5.)

Gotta love that. It's safe, but ah...should you die or grow a second set of fingers, we're not responsible for anything. Read the fine print.

Second, a question/answer from the Fairfax County Water Authority website:

#8. Is the fluoride in my drinking water safe?

In correct amounts, added and naturally occurring fluoride has improved the dental health of American consumers. Fairfax Water's water generally has between 0.8 and 1.2 mg/L of Fluoride.

Huh? Did I miss the answer in there? Is it safe? Who knows. All we know from this savy reply is that the fluoride, in correct amounts, improves dental health for American consumers. Is it safe ? Well, that's a different question....and apparently a different (missing) answer.