Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Shaving Tips For Newbs

Shaving for the most part is pretty harsh on your face. Dragging a steel blade across your face every (or nearly) morning doesn't really sound all that gentle, does it? To avoid having problems with ingrown hair, try out the suggestions below and let me know what you think. I guarantee you will have fewer problems.

Understanding the problem

  • Hair grows out of your face typically in a downward direction. This is called the ‘grain’ of your face, much like the grain of a piece of wood. Shaving ‘with the grain’ means to shave in the direction that the hair is growing out of your face (for most people, this is downward, from cheeks to chin). However, your face may be different, and your neck almost certainly is. Take a good look at your face and figure out your unique ‘grain’ pattern. You will need to know this.
  • Hair tends to retract into the follicle when it is pulled. Anyone who’s ever tried to tweeze out a hair has probably seen this. If you pull a hair almost all the way out, but loose your grip on it, it will frequently retract below the skin. This same effect is present when you shave, and is one of the primary causes of ingrown hair. Once the hair is under the skin, it is likely that it will grow into the surrounding skin, causing the hair to become ingrown. The primary focus in minimizing ingrown hair is to prevent this retraction from happening, or to minimize it’s effect. The curlier your hair is, the more likely it is that a retracted hair will become ingrown.

Minimizing the Damage

  1. Shave with a standard razor. Ditch the electric. Electrics have problems with the way they cut as to make them a bad choice for people with ingrown hair problems. For example, most electrics require you to shave against the grain (any foil electric does). This makes the hair as short as it can possibly be, and with the associated pulling/tugging on the hair as it is cut, is guaranteed to make it retract below the skin. And electrics pull the hair much more than a sharp razor.
  2. Don’t go for a razor that will give you the cleanest shave of your life. The closer the top of that final hair is to the skin line, the greater the risk for ingrown hair. I would recommend using a 2 bladed razor like the Sensor Excel rather than a Mach3 for that reason, but if you have the Mach3, it's probably fine.
  3. Shave in the shower. This is critical. You need to make the hair as soft and as easy to cut as possible. When you get in the shower, gently wash your face to remove the oils from your beard. Oils on the hair will prevent them from soaking up the water, and you want them to be waterlogged. Make shaving the last thing you do, to maximize this soaking process.
  4. Before shaving, try to get the hair to retract into the skin. The best way to do this is to try to ‘pull’ the hair. I've found a Buff Puff (yeah, I know..just get your girlfriend/wife to buy it for you) works very well for this as it will grab the hair as you run it across your face (against the grain). Remember, the effect you're after is to cause the hair to retract as much as possible before shaving so it won’t retract any further when the razor pulls/cuts it.
  5. Shave with the grain of your face. Never shave against the grain. Make as few passes as you can, and unless your beard is super heavy, this means you will make (1) pass for each 1 ½ “ strip of your face. Touch up if you must, but remember, it’s better to have 5 o’clock shadow than a bunch of ingrown hair.
  6. You'll find that in the shower, it's not that necessary to rinse your blade frequently. Rinsing your blade should be done as little as possible to avoid wearing out the lubricating strip on the top of the blades. The truth is, you can probably shave your whole face without rinsing at all.Use your razor for at most (7) shaves. You can modify this if you want, but I use mine for only (6) shaves before I replace it. The duller the blade, the more it will pull the hair before cutting it.
  7. Try to shave at the same time every day. For some reason this seems to help, but it’s not critical. I take one day off of shaving a week (Sunday) and I don’t have any problems. But even if you take a day off shaving, don't take a day off of the Buff Puff.
  8. Don't bother with the after shave. All it really does is hurt. If your skin is dry, you might put some moisturizer on your face while it's still damp from the shower. Apart from that, just pat your face dry and be done with it
That's pretty much it. Please let me know if you've found something that works that's not listed here. I'd be interested to hear what everyone else is doing.

shaving tips ingrown hair

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Polycarbonate Pandæmonium

Well, my world got a little bit more complicated last week. It happened when I read that Health Canada, the Canadian version of the Centers For Disease Control, announced that Bisphenol-A would be declared a 'dangerous substance' as a result of an in-depth study of the chemical.

Bisphenol-A (AKA: BPA) is a chemical used in the production of polycarbonate plastic. Polycarbonate is a hard, clear plastic that is very popular in the consumer realm. It's most known for being the plastic that is used for those cool Nalgene bottles hikers (or psudo-hikers) carry around their water in.

Opps. That was probably a 'not-so-great' idea. As it turns out, several studies have shown that Bisphenol-A leaches out of polycarbonate and into whatever it contains, even at room temperature. That wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that BPA is an endocrine disruptor that mimics the hormone estrogen in humans. It has been linked to the following effects in mice:
  • Permanent changes to genital tract
  • Changes in breast tissue that predispose cells to hormones and carcinogens
  • Prostate cells become more sensitive to hormones and cancer
  • Lower bodyweight
  • Early onset of puberty (this recent phenomenon has been puzzling scientists for a some time)
  • Decline in testicular testosterone
  • Insulin resistance
  • Decreased maternal behaviors
  • Damage to eggs and chromosomes
  • Reversed the normal sex differences in brain structure and behavior
And the list goes on. Some of these effects were known as early as 1993. Finally, Health Canada stood up and said, "Um..hey guys, this stuff looks pretty bad, eh?" (something neither the CDC nor the FDA has yet to find the balls to do).

Immediately, a slew of retailers said they'd pull polycarbonate baby bottles off the shelf (Wal-Mart will only take a year to do it). Nalgene said they're abandoning the stuff (declared on the front page of their website).

So, you say, your babies drink from Pyrex bottles and you've never been hiking. So what do you care? Well it also turns out that polycarbonate film is in just about every canned good you can think of, from chicken soup to sodas. Even more disturbing is the sheer number of products I use every day which are either clearly polycarbonate, or are suspiciously like polycarbonate (which is usually designated with the recycling code [7], but not all #7's are polycarbonate. The hard, clear plastic is the dead giveaway). For example:
  • My Brita pitchers. Are they polycarbonate? They sure look like it but this site says they DO NOT contain BPA. They're made from the safe-sounding "styrene copolymer methylmethacrylate" I'll keep using them until I hear otherwise I guess.
  • My Turvis Tumblers that I drink hot tea from every night. On the website, they're proudly listed as being polycarbonate.
  • Those super-cool Rubbermaid Premier food containers....Polycarbonate (to Rubbermaid's credit, they're very upfront about the issue).
  • Compact discs and DVDs
  • Plastic dinnerware
  • Composite dental fillings (ironic...everyone went to these fearing the mercury in amalgam)
  • Some of the aluminum water bottles are lined with polycarbonate (just when you thought you got away...)
Basically, the stuff is everywhere. On the upside, we may be close to figuring out what's caused the big increase in breast cancer. On the downside, how are we going to get rid of all of it?

PC Magazine lists 157 Free Software Applications

The 157 are listed as the "Best Free Software", and some of the titles I have also listed in my (now old) freeware list. Much of these are for Windows, but some are for OS X and Linux. Enjoy:,1759,2260070,00.asp

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Zone Labs (ZoneAlarm) - What are you doing???

Apparently this is not new information. But I recently discovered that ZoneAlarm wanted to install a 'ZoneAlarm spy Blocker" with it's most recent update (the option box was pre-checked). I noticed it because the antivirus program (ESET) on one of my computers identified the ZoneAlarm update installer as containing malware. After looking around on the net, it turns out the 'malware' label is given because the spy blocker installs an Ask.Com toolbar in your browser. It does appear a bit deceptive, because when I installed the update, even though I unchecked the "spy blocker" option, it got installed anyway. Nowhere does it actually mention the search toolbar. It just says it's a "spy blocker'. ZoneAlarm what are you doing? Anyway, this annoyed me enough to uninstall ZoneAlarm and try out a free competitor product, Comodo Firewall Pro. So far, so good. I'll let you know how it turns out. I've used zone alarm for years and years...but this kind of behavior is a big red flag. It now makes me question the purpose of all the recent updates they've been pushing out.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Did The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Just Get "Swatted"? Uh-Oh

It looks like the phone call that initiated the CPS raids at the Texas polygamist ranch (aka, 'compound') might have been a hoax. Swatting, as it's called, is when someone spoofs a caller ID number pretending to be someone calling from a specific location. Usually the result is a SWAT team descending on some unsuspecting victims. However, there have been a couple of cases where CPS was called, so this wouldn't be the first time.

Is the Texas Polygamist ranch just another victim of swatting? After reading about the court 'room' debacle in trying to get the kids their '5-day' hearing, I really hope not. I guess the publicity of this practice might be enough to stop this practice (Swatting) once and for all. People who do it need to go to prison for a long time.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Thank God For Stupid Criminals

Take a good look at these people, these are real life morons:

(click for larger image)

These thugs ganged up and beat a girl unconscious. Then when she came to, the continued to beat her. And oh, they videotaped it so they could post it to YouTube and MySpace. Well, it's on YouTube now, but the Sheriff's office posted it. And they've been charged with felony battery and three of them (Brittni Hardcastle, Brittany Mayes and Mercades Nichols) are charged with felony kidnapping.

Side note to these morons: That felony battery is going to look really good on your record. I'd say you're pretty much screwed, since the world doesn't even need gas station attendants anymore. Thanks for videotaping it Cara Murphy, BTW. She's the one saying "Ooh, yeah, baby. Ooh, yeah!" in the background. I wonder if Cara will say something cool like that when the judge sentences her?