Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Peon Pulpit Reviews The Graduate (1967)

So last night I watched the 1967 classic "The Graduate" staring Dustin Hoffman & Anne Bancroft. Overall, I'd give this movie a 5 out of 10. I fail to see why it was such a great American classic...but whatever.

One thing that did strike me as odd, is that what I thought happened in the movie, wasn't what other people thought. Of course, this isn't the first time this has happened to me. But happening with such a 'classic' makes me wonder if maybe I'm wearing those sun glasses from They Live or just simply deranged.


My version of what happened was this: Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) has an affair with a much older married woman Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft). At some point in the film Benjamin asks Mrs. Robinson about how she got married to Mr. Robinson. It comes out that Mrs. Robinson was pregnant with her daughter Elaine (Katharine Ross), and that's why she got married. When Benjamin suggests he might go out with Elaine, Mrs. Robinson suddenly flips out and basically threatens Benjamin with death if he even contemplates going out with Elaine. The rest of the movie is basically Benjamin falling in love and Mrs. Robinson doing everything she can to stop it.

So why does Mrs. Robinson flip out at the idea of Benjamin dating Elaine? The IMDB gives two reasons, neither of which are mine.....and I think mine makes a LOT more sense.

The reason is that Elaine is Benjamin's half sister. It's clear that Benjamin's dad and Elaine's dad are business partners, and probably have known each other since college. Mrs. Robinson must have had an affair with Benjamin's dad, got pregnant and told Mr. Robinson that he was the father. Mrs. Robinson clearly knows the truth however, but can't let it come out now after all these years. This dark secret is so enormous that she's willing to tell her daughter about her affair with Ben, hastily arrange her daughter to be married to someone else and even claim to be raped by Ben.

And in my version...the very awkward bus ride at the end where Benjamin's smile turns to a blank stare, indicates that he had just started to figure it all out himself....

Swine Flu Pandemic - Added to the MMHOD

Swine flu pandemic has been added to the Mainstream Media Hall Of Doom!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Peon Pulpit Predicts US Government Crackdown On Political Blog(s)

While my (very short) prediction track record has not been all that great.... The Pulpit is now predicting that a government agency will crack down on (and, at least temporarily, shut down) one or more well known political blogs within the next 2 years. The time range is long, but the prediction is that this will create a 1st Amendment 'crisis' in the US.

This predicted crack down will likely be done with the excuse that the blog(s) in question are in some vague manner inciting either violence or economic instability, but could be done under the guise of some other unforeseen criminal act.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Peon Pulpit's Hall Of Greatness

This is where the Peon Pulpit honors the great works. While many of the artists/works recognized here have been honored elsewhere for their greatness, a secondary focus of this area will be to honor those that have been maligned, under-rated, ignored or possibly even scorned unjustly.

Basically this is just an excuse to give 'props' to stuff and people I like.

And now, The Inductees (In No Particular Order):






Started 01/02/2009

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

UN Says 'Social Unrest' Is A Possibility; GM Asks For Another $2.6 billion in subsidies

UN chief Ban Ki-moon warned that the economic crisis could lead to widespread social unrest. Is that a threat or a prediction? Hard to tell.

GM asked for $2.6 billion in 'low interest loans" (i.e., subsidies) in order to build Hybrids. Oh, so now you need money to build Hybrids?? This from the company that was going to bring us the all electric Chevy Volt (and the EV-1, which they quietly killed back in the 90' move!).

How much longer can the US subsidize domestic auto manufactures before someone complains to the WTO? Isn't this what free trade isn't all about? I'm sure the automakers are just the tip of the iceberg...