Mainstream Media HALL OF DOOM!
Nothing gets people interested in watching TV or reading newspapers & magazines quite the way that impending doom does. Just like clockwork, whenever the mainstream media runs out of legitimate stories (or when the current legit story get stale like, say, an ongoing debacle of a war in Iraq) they will trot out the latest "_This_ will scare the sh*t out of You!!" Story.(This is a reposting with updates)
Mainstream Media Hall of Doom (MMHOD)
- ZIKA Virus - Mosquitoes are the real sharks.
- ISIS - Terror by a new name(s)
- EBOLA outbreak (2014) - Africa used to be so far away.
- Swine Flue Outbreak (2009) Attack of the Sick Pigs!
- Cell Phones and Cancer (2004- current) Boy, *that* was an expensive call
- Water Shortage (2003 - Current - Does this mean Water World won't happen??)
- Global Fish Shortage (Current 2008 - Suddenly, food=fear)
- Worldwide Food Shortage (Rice Famine? 2008 "At the end of the day, you will pay the price for being a fussy eater.")
- Colony Collapse disorder (2007 So Long, And Thanks For all The Pollen!!)
- Bird Flu (2006-2007)
- Rogue Asteroid Strike (2004)
- SARS (2003)
- Terrorism (current)
- Global Warming (current)
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (1990s -2000's Angry cows on the warpath)
- Y2K Glitch (1999)
- Deformed Frogs (1995)
- West Nile Virus (2002-2005 Invasion of the Infected Vampires)
- Satanic Day Care (1980-1990)
- Hole In The Ozone Layer (1985)
- Acid Rain (Late 1980's)
- Global Cooling (1975)
- Population Explosion (late 1960's)
- Commies Are Going To Get Us! (1950s-1980s)
- Nuclear Annihilation (1950-1980)
I have color coded these in the following way:
Green - While it might have been real to some extent, if you never fretted about it, you'd be no worse off
Orange - Maybe you should (or should have) worried a little about this one.
Red - OMG, the Media was right! We're all DOOMED!
Black - An ongoing event (too early to you'd better worry yourself into an ulcer just to be on the safe side).
Of course, an item's color code will change if the situation warrants.
Originally Posted: 4/24/2008
Last updated: 02/17/2016