Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mainstream Media HALL OF DOOM!

Nothing gets people interested in watching TV or reading newspapers & magazines quite the way that impending doom does. Just like clockwork, whenever the mainstream media runs out of legitimate stories (or when the current legit story get stale like, say, an ongoing debacle of a war in Iraq) they will trot out the latest "_This_ will scare the sh*t out of You!!" Story.

So today I inaugurate my new Mainstream Media Hall of Doom (MMHOD). This will be an ongoing collection of current and past "this is really going to ruin your life" themes the media harped on and then promptly forgot as the next juicy story overtook it. You may have forgotten about these yourself, so I will archive them here.

Mainstream Media Hall of Doom (MMHOD)
I have color coded these in the following way:

Green - While it might have been real to some extent, if you never fretted about it, you'd be no worse off
- Maybe you should (or should have) worried a little about this one.
- OMG, the Media was right! We're all DOOMED!
Black - An ongoing event (too early to you'd better worry yourself into an ulcer just to be on the safe side).

Of course, an item's color code will change if the situation warrants.

Originally Posted: 4/24/2008
Last updated: 11/15/2009
The Peon Pulpit's Best Shows On Television (2009)

TV seems to be in a holding pattern these days.....
  1. Best Reality Series -
  2. Best Educational Series - How It's Made (Science Channel/Discovery Channel/Ztele)
  3. Best Drama Series - Dexter (Showtime) New entry!
  4. Best Documentary Series - Frontline (PBS)
  5. Best Comedy Series - The Office (NBC)
  6. Best News Show -
  7. Best Political Show - The McLachlan group (TMG)
Updated 11/15/2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pfizer Bulldozes Woman's Home...Then Walks Away

Basically. After winning a case that went to the Supreme Court, New London, CT made a woman move out of her house so they could give her land to Pfizer. They took it promising all sorts of jobs and econmic benefits. The city in turn gave Pfizer all sorts of tax breaks. Now it looks like Pfizer just gave the town the middle finger. Nice.

Serves them right. This should be a warning to all other states to limit eminent domain.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sounds That Remind Me Of Other Songs...

This is a collection of songs that to me, sound like other songs. Maybe not to the point of being completely ripped off, but definitely share similar sonic elements:
  • Taylor Swift - "You Belong To Me" (2009) sounds like "First Time" by Lifehouse (chorus) (2007)
  • Maroon 5 - "She Will Be Loved" (2004) sounds like Tears For Fears "Break It Down Again" (1993) ["I don't mind spending every day".... = "It's in the way you're always hiding from the light"]