Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Hi! Would you mind watching my bag for me while I run to the bathroom?"

On Monday (4/15/13) I watched a show on the Science Channel called Scam City.  The gist of the show is that the host travels to some of the most scam-ridden cities and shows you, a potential tourist, how not to get taken by being taken himself.  This episode focused on Rio de Janeiro.   In one of the scams, a local comes up to a tourist on the beach and asks them to watch his stuff while he goes for a swim. 

Unbeknownst to the tourist, while they are focused on this guy's stuff (that he's now entrusted them to watch) his partner is looting their wallets, camera, bags, etc.

This morning, I awoke from an awful dream that mixed this show with a bit of the horror from Boston.  What if, instead of dropping a bag with explosives, the bomber(s) simply asked a stranger to watch their bag for them?  I've had this happen myself more than once and have seen it happen several times to others:  A stranger, who doesn't want to take their stuff somewhere (frequently the bathroom) turns and asks you "Hey, can you watch my stuff for me while I run to the ...?"   Almost always, people say "Sure".    It's an odd interaction.  You have suddenly been entrusted with someone's belongings.  Someone that doesn't know you but somehow trusts you.   When will they return?  What if I have to leave before they get back?
Most people being honest, almost feel a sense of loyalty to this persons' belongings, which is why the Rio scam works so well.  You're focused on their stuff, more than your own. 

This well known phenomenon is also behind this well known Aly Bank Commercial

My point is this: someone dropping off a bag and walking away is very suspicious as is an unattended bag in a public place.  Someone asking a stranger to watch their bag and walking away, isn't.  And to other people around the bag(s), nothing appears odd because there is no 'unattended' bag.  While I have no evidence this happened, my sleeping brain seems to think this is what happened in Boston. 

So the next time a stranger asks you to watch their bag(s), you're going to have to ask them to open the bags and show you what's inside. 

Or maybe just tackle them and scream for the police.