Wednesday, December 20, 2006

CNN Officially Blows

As I write this, Glen beck is on CNN Headline news (sandwiched between two hours of Nancy (dis) Grace) doing some sort of stand-up routine...speaking in falsetto.

CNN is offering the droning Larry King Live with Jonbenet Ramsey's dad. This, on top of the CNN website now offering about 1/2 of it's stories in streaming video....which doesn't work on my Firefox (requires Windows Media Player). Add to that the fact that at work, I can't look at streaming CNN is now about as useful for news as a freaking brick.

Look at CNN Headline NEWS' line up for tonight:

  • 7-8pm - Glen Beck
  • 8-9pm - Nancy (dis)Grace
  • 9-10pm - Glen Beck AGAIN
  • 10-11pm - Nancy (dis)Grace AGAIN
  • 11-12pm - Showbiz Tonight (WhooHOooo...tabloid news!)
  • 12-1am - Glen Beck (in case you missed it)
  • 1-2am - Nancy (dis)Grace AGAIN In case you're tired of jabbing your eye with shards of glass.
  • 2-3 - Headline News - Oh look, news - when everyone's gone to sleep.
CNN has a nice rotation of Anderson Cooper (MY GOD...RUN ANDERSON...RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN TO ANOTHER NETWORK!) and Larry King. Has there ever been a worse interviewer in history? I think not. At least Larry is good for about 5-10 uncomfortable silences for each hour of interviews. I'm just waiting for someone to ask "Larry? Are you sleeping??"

And to think it all started out so promising....

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