Monday, November 12, 2007

Thinking The Impossible – Could Ron Paul Actually Win?

As hard as it might be to believe, I think the perfect storm is brewing for the 2008 elections. Assuming that the current front runners are the nominees of their respective parties, we’ll end up with a Clinton/Giuliani election. Barring any surprise Vice Presidential nominations, I would predict an easy win for Clinton. Giuliani is going to inspire few republicans to vote. And in spite of Pat Robertson’s deal with Satan, the religious right is going to have a hard time swallowing a vote for Rudy. So Republicans and Democrats alike will assume that Clinton will be a sure thing.

Now suppose, with that mentality, the protest vote comes out in favor of Ron Paul, running as a 3rd party candidate. Ron Paul would pick up the ‘rabid’ Paul supporters he has now and will surely gain in the coming months. Anti-war democrats will cast a protest vote for Ron Paul, to show their displeasure of Hillary’s hawkish views. Religious right voters will cast a protest vote for Paul to show their displeasure of Rudy’s pro abortion pro gay marriage views. What happens when Ron Paul ends up with all those protest votes? Who knows, but it could be a very interesting election for sure.

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