Monday, September 01, 2008

The Internet Finds A Conspiracy With Sarah Palin

So the latest tabloid story on the internet revolves around the seemingly odd time-line of the birth of Sarah Palin's most recent child. "Liberal" bloggers have really ramped up the story that Sarah Palin's most recent child was actually her grandchild, and that there's a massive conspiracy to cover up the teenage pregnancy of her own daughter. It's interesting to note that the allegations are not new. People were making them as early as March of 2008.

There are some unusual circumstances. True or not, we need to remember that it was the Daily Kos that pushed the story. It's a big gamble for them. If it's true, they'll look like the Drudge of 2008. If they're wrong, they'll be branded as the site that dragged a candidate's children into the fray (including an infant child with a serious health condition), which will make them look really, really sleazy.


Anonymous said...

Daily Kos, the original source of that rumor, has dropped the story.

"Sarah Palin Baby Story Ender"

Anonymous said...

I guess I can't quite figure out the motive here - why would they want to cover this up? Devout Christians are never shy about a birth - even one out of wedlock. In their view, it is not something to be ashamed of or to hide regardless of the circumstances. The key in their mind is that the child was born at all. Their daughter taking responsibility for a child with Downs is pretty compelling.

Further questions - why would they trot their daughter out for pictures in a tight shirt when supposedly "pregnant" while otherwise hiding her from the outside world? Wouldn't they know this would be discovered eventually? What are the statistics of Downs in a teenage mother? Wouldn't the hospital have records - public records - of who gave birth? Wouldn't someone at the hospital have talked by now?

For now, I am not buying it. If it does turn out to not be true, it's pretty ridiculous to drag a child through the mud for a political cause. Pretty despicable - particularly given all the hoopla the liberal media made about protecting Chelsea Clinton back in the day. We truly have lost all sense of shame.

Anonymous said...

Looks like I was right - just out on the wires. The daughter is pregnant and keeping the child.

Anonymous said...

Well, now she doesn't have enough "experience." What to make of all this lack of experience angst?

Let's review quickly. In 1980 a gentleman by the name of Ronald Reagan was criticized as having no experience - an actor and former governor of California. He seemed to do OK. In 1992 Bill Clinton got the same jag - you remember "the guy is just the governor of Arkansas which ranks 51st in (you fill in the blank here).

Now, let's go to 2000. A fellow by the name of George W. Bush was hailed as having the most experienced team ever assembled for the White House. You remember that one don't you? Sure you do. The house that Jimmy Baker and Daddy Bush built. Dick Cheney the most important and influential VP in history, Colin Powell as Sec. of State, Don Rumsfeld with Pentagon experience going back to the 1970's, John Ashcroft as AG and Condi Rice hanging around as National Security Advisor. Now, look at what all that "experience" bought us.

I could go on...Kennedy (not a lot of experience) - LBJ a ton. Daddy Bush and Nixon - also a ton. Do you see a correlation here?

Here's the deal. I'll take the new guy with high SAT scores - or the lady who ran the library in Moose Dung Falls or anyone else who is smart, compassionate, decisive, traveled, dogged and comes at the world with an open mind. What I don't need is another old guy with a boatload of experience and memories just itching to send B-52s back to Hanoi to settle up.

Anonymous said...

Dropped the story??? What "story"?

Is that the journalistic equivalent of the 3rd grade kickball do over? "Oh, never mind, I guess she isn't a heroin addicted, serial killer pedophile who gets aroused by Nazi clothing, killed Jon Benet, created AIDS in her basement and loves Jimmie Fallon movies. My bad! Forget I ever said anything. Rock the Vote Obamistas!!" Are you kidding me??

Sorta like "Daily Kos would like to recall the defamatory messages he just sent unfairly destroying lives several innocent people."

Three letters - WTF!!