Friday, February 06, 2009

Pelosi Says "We Don't Need Republican Support" For The Stimulus Bill

So I assume she's fine with the Democrats taking the blame when it doesn't work? Meanwhile, the public seems to be siding more and more with the Republicans, as support for the bill has slipped 12% in the last 3 weeks. Now only 51% think it's a good idea.

This is a huge gamble for the Democrats that's likely to be a loser. If the economy gets better, they win and the Republicans look stupid. If the economy gets worse, they'll have a tough time making the case that it would have worked if we had just thrown a few more Trillion $'s down the drain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not going work and here is why. The United States has for the past 25 years dismantled its entire production and employment base by shipping all means of production overseas. No more steel mills, no more machine tool companies, no textile mills, no more clothing manufacturers, no electronic companies etc. The result is an entirely import addicted economy where activity is measured by how many imports we can buy on credit and sell to each other. When the hiccup happens and the asset bubble bursts, there is no economy left to stimulate. It's like using cardiac paddles on a patient who just had his heart removed. We are just jolting a dead patient. In the past, government stimulus worked because it jump started the private sector's manufacturing base - putting thousands of people back to work quickly to supply goods and services to these new workers. This is the so-called multiplier effect. Today, every dollar we pay for someone to put an empty hole in the ground for "infrastructure" will go right overseas when they buy that Chinese flat screen TV. When this doesn't work, nobody will care about blaming the Democrats because there will be real fear and panic as the realization grows that we are in for 15-25 year depression that cannot be solved quickly.