Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brown Win In Massachusetts Throws A Lifeline To Democrats

I suspect that the Scott Brown win in the race for Massachusetts senator will throw Democrats a lifeline. Unlike statements made earlier in the week that the Senate may delay seating Brown until they can pass a health care reform bill, I think Democrats will move to swiftly seat Brown.

The reason is simple: Democrats running for re-election in 2010 want out of the bill as fast as possible. They might push a watered down bill, which, like Keith Olbermann suggested, will only "mandate child-proof medicine bottles". I doubt they will even do that, as it will continue to keep the health care issue (which is now a Democratic albatross) in people's minds.

I also predict that the "tea bagger" jokes that have been repeated countless times by Democrats on television will suddenly fall out of favor. I bet making fun of the tea party movement Isn't going to be as popular with elected Democrats as it once was. This will leave it up to democratic mouthpieces (like Olbermann) to keep it alive. Eventually, even he'll be asked to tone it down, for fear that it will only serve to stoke voter anger against Democrats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An astounding number of mistakes here. First, the President should never have left the drafting of important legislation to Congress. Zero leadership. It sends a clear message that he doesn't care about the details or whether it will actually work or cut costs - only about getting some bill passed and his place in history. Who wants to get behind that? Later bailing on the public option in the hope of getting it through fractured his Party and only further proved the point.

Second, the Dems grossly underestimated the Tea Parties and mischaracterized them as Roger Ailes fueled special effects. Nope. They represented real emotion and a real movement. Use of sophmoric humor like "Tea Baggers" was a delusion - sorta like calling the anti-Vietnam War movement as simply a bunch of pot smoking hippies. Missed that one - wide left.

Finally, the Dems need to get their heads around the fact that Obama is not that compelling of a speaker. Repeatedly they rolled him out to move the needle - which he did - in the negative.

Unlike Clinton who asked "who do you want me to be?" Obama is a true believer in his DNA. No compromise and "one and done." Get ready for the Jimmy Carter comparisons.