Friday, March 25, 2011

OK, I'll say it: Fukushima is much, much worse than Three Mile Island

Seems the governments of the world and the media are terrified of admitting that the Fukushima reactor meltdown is on par with Chernobyl

I'm here to tell you that not only is Fukushima worse than Three Mile Island, it has the very real potential to be worse than Chernobyl.  Fukushima is still an active disaster two weeks (at this point) after the initial failure.

This is so far beyond Three Mile Island, I can't believe people are still trying to compare the two.  We now have citizens leaving Japan who have seriously high radiation contamination.  That never happened in TMI.

In terms of a human disaster, Fukushima can very quickly become worse than Chernobyl.  By comparison, Chernobyl was out in the middle of nowhere.  Tokyo is only 150 miles from Fukushima.  What happens when a city of 13 million has to be evacuated...permanently?    Where do they move?  Where are they housed?  How are they fed?

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