Thursday, April 06, 2006

Harvard Study says there IS a link between fluoridated water and cancer

This one seems to be buried, but guess what? A Harvard University study just published in their Journal, Cancer Causes and Control, says that boys who drink fluoridated water are FIVE TIMES MORE LIKELY TO GET A RARE BONE CANCER than boys who drink fluoridated water. The cancer, osteosarcoma is frequently fatal. This study confirms the findings of other studies by the National Institutes of Health as well as a study by the New Jersey Health Department.

The study's conclusion notes that:

Our exploratory analysis found an association between fluoride exposure in drinking water during childhood and the incidence of osteosarcoma among males but not consistently among females.

This study is different from another 'just published' study from the National Academy of Sciences that showed EPA limits for water fluoridation left water drinkers at an increased risk of dental fluorosis and bone fractures. That study has largely been brushed off because of the supposed benefits of fluoride. This study might be more problematic.

Looks like all those anti-fluoride people might not be nuts after all....

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