Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Microwave In Your Lap

Much concern has been raised about the carcinogenic potential of mobile phones. People go so far as to purchase ferrite beads to help clamp any radiation coming from mobile phone headset cords. To be sure, the jury is still out on mobile phone radiation. The fact that they operate at a frequency close to microwaves and are placed so close to a person’s head is the primary reason the alarm has been raised. In light of the new mobile phone/cancer studies, the FDA says it will begin new investigations……Heh, ah…yeah right. Everything the FDA does at this point should be considered corrupt until proven otherwise. But on to the point of this post. Scary microwave ovens operate at 2.45 GHz. Modern mobile phones operate at 2.4 Ghz……And so does your wireless router and Wi-Fi card.

I'm a big fan of Mercola's health blog. But, he frequently touts the benefits of Wi-Fi systems, while at the same time sells the ferrite beads mentioned above. This seems to be a contradiction to me. Hasn’t anyone connected the dots to see that if mobile phones are dangerous, then Wi-Fi is also potentially dangerous? In fact, I would bet that many people are exposed to Wi-Fi radiation for 7-10 hours per day. Much more than normal mobile phone usage. Does your office have a wireless network? Does your laptop or desktop have wireless capability turned on? If so, you’re being showered in 2.4GHz radiation and there’s probably not much you can do about it. All these people with these dorky Bluetooth headsets are probably clueless to the fact that it operates at 2.497 GHz and is placed right up against their heads. I wonder how many people bought one of these things to make their cell phone use safer? It’s true they are very low powered, but still…why not go with a wired headset if you’re clearly not concerned with looking stupid.


Anonymous said...

the radiation showering my body will make me genetically stronger for after the war

Anonymous said...

the radiation showering my body will make me genetically stronger for after the war