Tuesday, June 06, 2006

06/06/06 - The Number of the Stupid News Story

It's annoying enough to see all these people talking about today being "the number of the beast" day. But it's so much more annoying when you realize that people are going way out of their way to create this number so they can talk about it.
Today is not 6/6/6. That date passed us 2,000 years ago and under our current calendar system , IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! Sorry to disappoint you. But you've missed 6/6/6. It was a long time ago. And it wasn't the end of the world. Hmmmm...or was it? [queue Twilight Zone music].
Today is 6/6/2006. By truncating the 2006-->06, we will conveniently have 6/6/06 every 100 years. 2006 is not 6. And if you think it is, let me give you $6 and you give me $2,006 and we'll all be happy. Next time around it will be 6/6/2106....which will be shorted to 6/6/06 and again, we'll deal with all this inane news coverage.
While we're truncating/converting numbers, lets just express the date in binary form...that way we'll never run into this scary number again. Today's date is: 110/110 /11111010110 Whew! Don't you feel better now?? Don't you??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a very angry man!