Saturday, April 19, 2008

Zone Labs (ZoneAlarm) - What are you doing???

Apparently this is not new information. But I recently discovered that ZoneAlarm wanted to install a 'ZoneAlarm spy Blocker" with it's most recent update (the option box was pre-checked). I noticed it because the antivirus program (ESET) on one of my computers identified the ZoneAlarm update installer as containing malware. After looking around on the net, it turns out the 'malware' label is given because the spy blocker installs an Ask.Com toolbar in your browser. It does appear a bit deceptive, because when I installed the update, even though I unchecked the "spy blocker" option, it got installed anyway. Nowhere does it actually mention the search toolbar. It just says it's a "spy blocker'. ZoneAlarm what are you doing? Anyway, this annoyed me enough to uninstall ZoneAlarm and try out a free competitor product, Comodo Firewall Pro. So far, so good. I'll let you know how it turns out. I've used zone alarm for years and years...but this kind of behavior is a big red flag. It now makes me question the purpose of all the recent updates they've been pushing out.

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