Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Peon Pulpit Paranoia #2

Clear Channel Communications, the largest owner of radio stations in the United States (1,200 stations according to Wikipedia) is also a major investor in XM Satellite Radio. Maybe that explains why radio sucks so bad. Could it be that Clear Channel programs crappy 'terrestrial' radio stations so that you will think to yourself, "Man, this radio station sucks! I really should just get that XM" ?

Thus, Clear Channel could convert non-paying customers (like you) into paying subscribers. Think about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should do a piece on the 5 OTC drugs you should never take. I would think Tylenol and Sudafed PE are on the list. You might also alert folks to how effective Benedryl is relative to the newer "non-drowsy" medications.