Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Peon Pulpit's Best Shows On Television

With all the crap on television we sometimes forget there are a few good shows out there. Here they are:
The Peon Pulpit's Best Shows On Television (2008)

  1. Best Reality Series - The First 48 (A&E)
  2. Best Educational Series - How It's Made (Science Channel/Discovery Channel/Ztele)
  3. Best Drama Series - Lost (ABC)
  4. Best Documentary Series - Frontline (PBS) Runner Up: VH1 Behind the Music (VH-1)
  5. Best Comedy Series - The Office (NBC)
  6. Best News Show - The Daily Show (Comedy Central)
  7. Best Political Show - Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) Runner Up: The McLachlan group (TMG)
Updated 5/21/2008


Anonymous said...

Some glaring omissions:

Graham Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares - the single best business management classroom session available. Want to understand why you are a failure in your career or why your business isn't successful? Check out a couple of episodes. ("Liam, your just not good at this. Your unhappy, the staff is unhappy, your customers are unhappy..." Yep!)

McLaughlin Group - still the most entertaining political half hour on TV. Predictions! "Hillary intentionally tanks Obama just to set the stage for 2012"

HBO Real Sports - HBO has an entire room full of awards for this show - for good reason. Even if you are not a sports fan you will be captivated.

Darren Brown's Mind Control. Fast paced and pure entertainment without the usual magic hype. . ("You wanted my hand on your crotch didn't you?? I did, I did!!!). One hour of wondering just how much tail this guy tags a week.

Real Housewives of Orange County - sorry, but you cannot NOT watch this!

Top Chef - incredible talent meets incredible pressure. Never gets old. Tom C. is perfect as the honest - but fair - judge. Lose Padma and you will have reached cooking nirvana.

VH1 Behind the Music - catch the reruns. As good as you remember. "Coming up next, the wheels fall off the Speedwagon..."

Carrier - just to remind yourself that no matter how much your job sucks, at least you are not working 20 hour shifts cleaning toilets for $100 a week only to get off work to spend the rest of your time with 35 criminals and racists in the same room.

Real Time with Bill Maher - free therapy from the shaman of liberalism - you are NOT crazy or alone!!

Fox News - anytime. A quick lesson in just how far the science of state-sponsored propaganda has evolved - from Leni to Hannity.

Subleum said...

Good stuff!

Anonymous said...

I think it is Gordon Ramsey - not Graham Ramsey. Great show in any event.

Anonymous said...

What!! No Good Eats???

Subleum said...

Yeah...Good Eats should probably be up there.

Anonymous said...

What about Sunrise Earth?!

Anonymous said...

Some additions. First, Intervention (A&E) and Locked Up Abroad (National Geographic). Two of the scariest shows ever broadcast. Forget X Files, forget Lost - catch these two little weekly reality reminders of just how tenuous and fragile your little "secure" life really is. Basically, visual water boarding - see how much you can withstand before breaking and curling up in a fetal position in the corner crying for "mommy"!. Note to self: - never smuggle heroin in Bangladesh. Check that - never leave the f**king country!

48 Hours Mystery (CBS). Consistently captivating and engrossing. Feels more like a motion picture than a documentary. Each week you are left wondering if these cases are real!

Pardon the Interruption and Sports Reporters (both ESPN). With a DVR you can cover the entire sports world in 40 minutes a week. An easy way to thoroughly navigate those cookouts and cocktail parties without actually watching a damn inning or quarter!